FigPay, Together with Trust Guard, Will Help Protect and Grow Your Business While Increasing Net Profits!
Trust Guard, as the leading provider in Cyber Security, has partnered with FigPay, the leading provider in Merchant Services Processing to create the perfect combined solution.
Excessive merchant service fees can be a drain on profits. And incomplete orders or abandoned shopping carts are a drain on marketing efficiency. So we created a solution to both.
While FigPay offers you a better merchant processing solution at a lower cost (usually a 15-30% savings off your current provider), which immediately improves your profit margin. And Trust Guard amplifies your success by protecting your website from hackers, AND improves your online revenue by 71%! The perfect marriage? We think so.
As it turns out, when the Trust Guard security seal is properly displayed on your website, shoppers have more trust and confidence, causing them to complete more transactions and purchase more per order. This means that you’ll see sales and revenue.
“Regular orders increased by 19%, recurring orders increased by 28%, and revenue increased by 71%” by adding Trust Guard’s security seal on the check out page.
– Independent Research by Conversion Fanatics
What FigPay Provides Your Company:
Easy plug-in connectivity to your current shopping cart
Customized solutions based on your specific need
Much lower rates guaranteed, typically a savings of 15-30%
Any type of processing online, retail, MOTO or mobile
No contracts
World class personal service
Establish your own Merchant Identification or MID
Ability to accurately take care of disputes or chargebacks when they occur
You now have what you need to maximize your profits when accepting credit cards.
FigPay can set your account up with it’s own Merchant Identification or MID and provide you with an “Interchange Plus” price rate.

Trust Guard Total Website Protection
Trust Guard is the first online security company to offer 3-types of state-of-the-art website protection, plus $200,000 in Cyber Protection, to protect your website and your business should there ever be a breach. That’s four layers of defense in all.
Not Just PCI Scanning – Total Website Protection
Trust Guard Total Website Protection helps to protect your website, your business, and your customers from hackers.
It uses a revolutionary 4-layers of Defense, which include:
Daily External PCI DSS perimeter scanning
Daily Internal Heuristic Malware scanning
Auto-Renewing SSL Certificates
$100,000 in Cyber Insurance, and $100,000 in Breach Response Insurance
This combination is possibly the most affordable, effective, and comprehensive security and business protection plan for small to medium-sized businesses.
The right trust signals, in the right places, at the right time. By placing the Trust Guard security seals at the pivotal locations throughout your website, such as the home page, product pages, and check-out pages, your customers will shop with confidence.

Since 2006, Trust Guard has helped to protect thousands of websites around the world from hackers.
So, while FigPay helps reduce your operating costs, Trust Guard helps improve your sales and revenue.
But there’s more to it than that. Trust Guard also keeps your website and information safe and secure from hackers, which means your online revenue stream keeps flowing.
And here’s the best part, with all the money you’ll save with FigPay’s Credit Card Processing, the Trust Guard Total Website Protection will cost you nothing!
What Others Are Saying
With Trust Guard and getting FigPay to process the sales that come over the Internet have made the whole process go smoothly. Finally, I don’t have to lay awake at night wondering if it is all working for my online business.
When we went from just working our retail location to having what we sell on the web, we were anxious about the security AND processing horror stories we heard from others. How grateful I am to have come across this when we did. It is now allowing us to branch out to other items we have always wanted to carry.
I have a product line that I was getting a lot of money behind the marketing of, and needed to have the guarantee of safety and easy checkout for those that I advertise to. Thanks for making this the easiest part of putting this sales funnel together.